
What we offer

Seymour Road nursery offers a ‘touch of magic’ to the early years sector in Astley Bridge Bolton and occupies a beautiful semi detached house, set in a large plot. Our nursery consists of our birth to three area and pre-school / out of school area. We provide a home from home environment and we are working towards the curiosity approach creditation. We are a small nursery and offer limited spaces to ensure all children can be cared for and nurtured individually, as you would at home. Priding ourselves on respecting our children, giving them time and comfort to support their emotional development as well as offering exciting learning opportunities for all ages.

It is vital to us that our children, and families, feel heard and know they are respected. That they have confidence to express their feelings, always knowing that their thoughts, questions and emotions are valued. We believe, if we work in partnership, your child will be in the best place to reach his or her full potential.We have an ‘open door’ policy so please feel free to drop in at any time. We welcome your suggestions so please speak to us, text us or email us with them. It would be much appreciated.This is your Nursery and we want to provide you with the best possible childcare and services that meet your needs and those of your children.

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage (click me)

Our Environment

As well as our nursery offering a home from home feel to help children in feeling more comfortable and safe, it also provides a calming, nature inspired environment supporting a relaxing and soothing atmosphere to learn and grow.

We recognise the potential the environment has to inspire children. Our nursery is filled with natural light from the large windows that invite nature and the outdoors inside. Our open spaces are free from clutter and every material is considered for its purpose. We provide an assortment of toys, real life objects and authentic materials and resources to encourage children to explore their interest. Our spaces encourage collaboration and encourage an investigative approach to learning.

Outdoor Environment

We feel passionately that children should have the same learning opportunities outside as they would inside. We promote a child led, investigative approach to support curious minds. All the children have the opportunity to access our two outdoor areas on a daily basis as well as visits to our local forest and parks.

Our first outdoor area offers the children opportunities to practice on our bikes, use our weighing scales and play football amongst other things. We also have our own ‘car’ and the children plan trips and make up stories on their journeys. To the back of the nursery we have our wilderness garden, complete with a den, mud kitchen, barefoot sensory path for our children to explore and our climbing area. We have dedicated horticulture areas, to develop our senses and understanding of the world. Large scale construction with logs, tools and equipment for our future builders and architects. Along with our large outdoor easels, creative and imaginative areas, problem solving water wall and literacy shed. Our outdoor classroom offers children the opportunity to develop their interests with a variety of resources, these can be accessed by all children and used to extend play. We also have a large covered sandpit which enables the children to use their whole bodies to explore. Once a week pre school children go to our local forest to explore, build dens, find mini beasts and much more.